From Burnout to Belonging, The Podcast

Important Nutritional Needs to Combat Burnout and Stress!

Kimberly Carozzi Season 2 Episode 0

Dr. Mary Balliett, clinical nutritionist and biochemist joins us in this episode to discuss the effects of burnout on the body and the TOP 3 things you need to know to combat stress with diet and nutrition. Dr. Balliett developed a breakfast drink that provides everything your body needs nutritionally in one quick and easy serving to keep you thriving and well!  Don't miss this interview with Kim and Jim, and check her out at

James Scofield  0:06  
Heal yourself, heal your life with Healthy Hive Publishing

Welcome to the burnout to belonging for managers podcast.

Kimberly Carozzi  0:26  
Welcome, everyone.

James Scofield  0:27  
I'm your host, James Scofield. I'm in the office of Dr. Kim Carozzi. It's after hours and we're sitting here about to start our podcast and it's a special edition podcast, you

Kimberly Carozzi  0:36  
have a special edition with a special guest.

James Scofield  0:39  
This is pretty exciting because we've talked about this in the past, but not in specifics in the fact that how much nutrition plays a role in stress, anxiety and burnout

Kimberly Carozzi  0:51  
and burnout, right? When you're burnt out. You you're fatigued and you're tired, but there are long term impacts that you need to know about in terms of your nutrition, and, and what your body needs. When you're under stress. When you're overstressed when you're beyond overstressed, you know, and when you get to the point where you don't know what's going on, so we have a very special guest someone that I happen to know personally, because I sat in her classroom.

James Scofield  1:19  
This is going back a few years. Yeah, many years ago, networking.

Kimberly Carozzi  1:23  
I know, when I was a chiropractic student. She was she was one of our favorite instructors in the whole program of chiropractic.

James Scofield  1:33  
It says a lot that you maintain this relationship through the years Oh, we've got this.

Kimberly Carozzi  1:37  
She's She was brilliant then. And I'm really, really happy because she actually has taken her knowledge, everything that she's been teaching us about nutrition and has developed a product. Once a day, all the vitamins you need for the whole day and talk about combating stress, you start to bring on the right Teague, mental stress. She took care of it all from A to Z and her formula. Okay.

James Scofield  2:04  
Well, let's talk a little bit about her background because people want to know what what's your qualification? Why? Who is she? Who is she this lady? This is Dr. Mary Belle yet? Yes. And she's a doctor of chiropractic medicine, with a Master's of Science in Applied clinical nutrition. That's correct. Dr. Balliet majored in biology with a concentration in biochemistry and genetics. Here's where it starts to all come together.

Kimberly Carozzi  2:26  
Biochemistry and nutrition are so important.

James Scofield  2:29  
Yeah. And she did this at Cornell University. And she did, so we're talking.

Kimberly Carozzi  2:34  
She's She is a, she's helping her field best and brightest. And an excellent speaker and teacher. She worked back, she worked on the projects about milk, and rBST. And all those things back in the day, when that became an identifiable issue. And people did not want that in their milk. She knows these things. Food Science, food

James Scofield  2:58  
science. Yeah. She's currently a professor at New York Chiropractic College where she teaches courses in biochemistry she does but she's also a published author of numerous articles, which have been featured in a variety of professional journals. She is a sought after speaker, and has delivered her informative presentations at research and nutritional symposiums for the last 15 years.

Kimberly Carozzi  3:17  
So vitamin companies supplement companies have her come and speak and do continuing education to their sales reps, right. So she teaches the nutrition company employees about what they need to nutrition. Yeah. And biochemistry. But here's the best part. And we're now playing people.

James Scofield  3:36  
She took all that knowledge of her own. And she has her own website. own product. She does you're talking about and I happen to have it right here. You're introducing this is it.

Kimberly Carozzi  3:47  
He's got his own bot Here we go.

James Scofield  3:53  
That's good. I'm telling you. It's good. It's the chocolate.

Kimberly Carozzi  3:57  
It's chocolate. Yeah, let's not play fake. No. You know, cooked up.

James Scofield  4:03  
We can't chocolate came into the studio doctors. It's

Kimberly Carozzi  4:05  
100 it's 100% Dutch cocoa.

James Scofield  4:09  
Dr. Carozzi was so she was so excited about this podcast. And she saved this special treat for me. I did and she presented me with with with a box of this nutrition supplement. And she said you got to try the breakfast blend this blend.

Kimberly Carozzi  4:22  
That's all you need all chocolate shake. It's all you need all day, and I'm not messing and people are like, you know patients. I I'm, I drink it every day because I've been drinking a protein shake every day for 30 years. My massage therapists, my office managers, they're all you know on it because patients will ask them well, is it any good or you know, and people are sick of taking pills. They don't want to take supplements that they might not digest. We'll

James Scofield  4:50  
see I started I started to try to avoid that my own I did the whole ninja bullet thing with the fresh fruit and the yogurt and then you started in with the the What's the stuff kale, the power green star, the super green, super green and super beets? And I'm just mixing this but I'm no chemist. I don't I don't have any background in biochemistry. Is this her? This could be her calling. Yes. Here she is. Alright, let's let's bring her up and see if I can make this work.

Kimberly Carozzi  5:15  
There we go. Hello, Dr. Bell yet.

Dr. Mary Balliett  5:18  
I have four bars. And I know

Kimberly Carozzi  5:21  
you're on your live. Welcome. Welcome to our podcast. Welcome to the for managers podcast.

James Scofield  5:29  
No, that was perfect timing. Dr. Bell? Yeah, it's great to have you on the show today. Dr. Carozzi, just fixed me a breakfast blend chocolate shake for the first time. And it's delicious. He made

Kimberly Carozzi  5:39  
noises he made. noises. We read your bio, we told we told our listeners about how and why. I know you and we gave your background. But you're just in time to tell us how and why you developed the breakfast shakes.

Dr. Mary Balliett  5:59  
So I'm hoping that my signal will last

Kimberly Carozzi  6:03  
it's beautiful talk as long as you want as well as

James Scofield  6:06  
she she's a busy lady. We're thankful that you've spent on our people. She's traveling.

Kimberly Carozzi  6:09  

Dr. Mary Balliett  6:11  
I'm just traveling. Yes. So what happened was, I felt like there was a missing in the marketplace. And I really was looking for something that was going to work for myself, my patients, my doctors, my students, everyone. And I wanted to create a foundational nutrition product. And my goal was that I understood that it's so important to literally feed yourself with all of the macro and micro nutrients that we need in this very difficult environment that we live in today, where we are just so busy. And so I am a meal prepper I'm sort of not an average group, I'm meal prep 21 meals a week, and try to really eat healthy all the time. And I realized when I was counseling nutrition patients, that I'm an anomaly. And so what I wanted to do was how can I help them? How can I support them in being able to do that. And so what I wanted to do was take out 1/3 of the work. And by taking out 1/3 of the work, now we have one meal where you can feel confident that you're gonna have enough protein, this much protein as a piece of chicken, you're gonna have as much fiber as a cup of vegetables, or a cup of fruit, you're gonna have all your multi vitamins and minerals that you need and the right form and the right amounts and the right absorbability for the whole day for the whole day. And now you're going to also have these amazing organic herbs, so that we can help fight inflammation that we are all being exposed to every day. Because it's impossible today to not be in a mildly toxic environment salutely And whether that is emotional, spiritual, physical, chemical, it's everywhere. And so in order for us to handle that, we have to let our body know that we are feeding it that it's physiologically not stressed. You know, we may have stress and trying to balance out are many myriad of things that we are responsible for in this very busy world. And so we need to at least tell our body, this really important message that physiologically were safe. And that was really my reasoning because what I understand about stress and how much I love Dr. Kemp crows life, I want you to know, oh, it changed my life. The college that I take chat, because I got what was going on. And so I can assure everyone that I did do all the homework that she recommends. So I NS you I am and I was like oh, I have to create for myself the environment that the microculture that I can thrive in work in a big enough plate, but very, very lucky. You know, not everybody can do it, but I was able to do it. But I think that partly it's because physiologically, my body was nourished. Yes. You know, I knew I had to get sleep. I knew I had to exercise, but I also knew I had to feed myself. Well,

James Scofield  9:55  
we were just talking about that before before you called in and saying that a lot of people like myself tried to do this ourselves. And I had the ninja blender, and I was trying to throw my, my, my super greens and my super beets and trying to make this cocktail myself. But I don't have a background in biochemistry and genetics like you do. So I mean, it's great to have somebody with with your expertise, putting this together in such a usable format.

Kimberly Carozzi  10:23  
You know, when we're talking,

Dr. Mary Balliett  10:25  
I appreciate that, yes, go ahead. And

Kimberly Carozzi  10:27  
when and when we're talking about the the impacts, we you know, we mentioned this before, you called in and said, there are impacts to your body when you're under stress, or burnt out, that you need to be aware of. And that is what Dr. Bell yet taught us as blooming chiropractors, before we went into practice, we needed to be able to recognize clinically, the signs of burnout and what it's doing to our body. And I was so glad because she agreed that she would tell our listeners, what the top three impacts to your body are, if you are not taking care of yourself, if you are burnt out if you're trying to do the ninja bullet and missing a few things

James Scofield  11:10  
here or there. And I know I am

Kimberly Carozzi  11:13  
yuck protein that you shouldn't be buying because it's on sale. Right? Go ahead. Tell us you tell us. I'm so excited. She's gonna give us your top three.

Dr. Mary Balliett  11:23  
Got it? Number one, number one. Our number one ingredient in the breakfast blend is protein. And protein got vilified in the early days, right? Because people were eating like a pound of crazy steak, right? But that's that's not that's not the answer. But what the answer is what the literature says, because that's always what I go up because I read everything. What the literature says is that we need 1.2 grams per kilogram of ideal body weight every day, divided up over the day. So what that means I was thinking about this, to make it nice and easy. So if you're 130 pounds female, then basically you're gonna need between 70 and 80 grams of protein a day. That's your that's like 109

Kimberly Carozzi  12:19  
Yeah, that's great. Go ahead. 190 pound male

Dr. Mary Balliett  12:23  
and 190 pound male, I would say they're gonna need 90 to 100. And you have to they say between 20 to 30 grams. Now, what's interesting about that, that's about four ounces of meat protein. So about four ounces of chicken, or fish or beef, or pork or any of those things are gonna be about what in that 20 to 30 gram range, and

Kimberly Carozzi  12:51  
you gotta divided up you can't do it every meal,

Dr. Mary Balliett  12:54  
every meal. Like that means that you know, and although the literature says you can only do 30 grams at a time, I do see clinically and it's not borne out. Yeah, by the literature. But I think for the bigger guy, they probably could do a little bit more and they're going to be okay, yes. And so my super easy way of knowing are you actually digesting and absorbing your protein? Is that undigested protein when it hits your colon gets fermented? And we all had that father who didn't want to go in the bathroom after them people are not digesting their protein okay. My father God rest his soul Italian on an acid not just his protein because he's on antacid. You cannot digest your protein when you're on an ad that that

Kimberly Carozzi  13:50  
interesting see clinical pearls people? Did you catch that people? How many of you are on and acids? So you're having a problem digesting and absorbing your proteins Pay Attention everyone? She just dropped a big truth bomb on you. And it was like she just you know, you know, was looking out the window. Okay, sorry.

Dr. Mary Balliett  14:07  
No. Over the counter prescription antacids are the number one most prescribed drug in the world in the world. And what happens is you get a thing called a drug induced nutrient depletion. And here's the bad news. Not only does nobody want to go in the bathroom after you, number two is your body's like, I still need that protein. And so now what happens is your body starts to cannibalize literally starts eating you up.

And we've seen your muscle tone you see

up their muscle because you've seen them. We don't want to say what store but they have those big bellies and those really thin arms and legs. That's somebody who's been eating their own muscle mass. And so now I have patients who are like, well, I don't want to eat cows and I'll like you have no trouble eating yourself exactly gotta think like you have a lot

Kimberly Carozzi  15:06  
and losing muscle tone. And muscle mass is not because you're getting older. It's because you're not absorbing the right nutrients. And her protein, ladies, gentlemen, is pea protein. And you might think I just want to say this just just talking about bathroom things. You might think that if you eat it, you know, a bag of peas, what's going to happen to you not with p protein, not with p protein, you're it's clean. It's a good protein source in her shakes, not whey shakes, you gotta go to hers, her website potential power And you have to get the pea protein stuff. And don't tell me you can find discount pea protein somewhere else and argue with me about the price. We don't want to hear it. Okay? No, you need organic, high quality ingredients. Okay, so I said that now, we have number two. Number two, see, when we listen, when two Italians talk, I'll tell you what, oh, Mr. Schofield? No,

James Scofield  15:54  
I'm just sitting here on the fence. Listen,

Kimberly Carozzi  15:56  
okay, got it. She's gonna she's gonna drop some bombs. No,

James Scofield  16:01  
already. I'm thinking every time I take that acid now, I've just been killing everything in my gut that I thought was causing me trouble.

Kimberly Carozzi  16:09  
You're not absorbing? Yeah, killing your gut in another way, which she will tell you. Okay. Okay.

Dr. Mary Balliett  16:13  
So what you're, what you're actually doing is, it turns out, you need a very acid environment. So let's just stay there for one more second. How do I know if I have enough acid? You remember when we were in, you had your child and they went to school, and they had to do the bicarbonate. They did the baking soda and the vinegar test and they made a volcano? Well, it turns out, it turns out that people think what they have is too much acid when really they have too little acid, because you need acid to open a thing called your pyloric sphincter, that's the way out of the stomach. If you don't have enough stomach acid to get out of your stomach, which happens under stress, under stress, you have too little acid in it. Now what happens is that your lower esophageal sphincter that's the one at the bottom of your esophagus, that then the food comes up, it's going the wrong way.

Kimberly Carozzi  17:16  
That's exactly see he's got it. That's the reflux. Yes,

Dr. Mary Balliett  17:20  
that's the reflux. Now, when acid gets in your esophagus, that will burn you. And that's very, very bad. So what you can do is you can do a test called the baking soda test, it's a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in four ounces of cold water, you drink it first thing in the morning, you have to burp within three to five minutes. If you don't burp in three to five minutes, your acid is too low, then what you do is you have maybe a tablespoon, half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before you eat that will open up your pyloric sphincter. It'll let the food out and food will go down instead of coming up.

Kimberly Carozzi  18:03  
See she's giving you another truth bomb everybody. People think right? They think that if they have reflux, it's too much acid. No, it's sort of in an acidic environment. And you need fresh foods to create that. Because yucky foods, processed food, greasy foods have the opposite effect. And that's why they're so hard to digest. Yes,

Dr. Mary Balliett  18:28  
correct. So yeah, we trade attention in her class.

James Scofield  18:32  
And in our culture, where everything is processed food, everything is a quick bite to eat on the go. You microwave this, you reheat this pre process, and it's loaded with all this stuff that is just toxic for your body.

Dr. Mary Balliett  18:45  
Right. Right. And then and then that's the next thing. Actually, you're the perfect segue. So

Kimberly Carozzi  18:53  
let's hope she's back. Gotcha. Okay.

Dr. Mary Balliett  18:56  
Hi. I'm back. She's so you know what, James, you just went right where I want to go next. You know, have you ever driven in the country and you drive by a bunch of tires in the field? doesn't look right. Picture I'm on fire looks way worse. All right. So what happens is when you put toxins in your body, the number one thing your body does with it in your liver is it burns them. And then you're going to have to put that fire out. That's the problem. Because you have to burn them. You're going to need the vitamin B one v2 v3 energy. That is what runs your motors in your muscle is the mitochondria, the mighty mitochondria. They used to set up magic school by

James Scofield  19:42  
the powerhouse of the cell

Kimberly Carozzi  19:44  
power teachers to a tee to teachers to Italians and it's three people. Okay, figure that riddle out everybody. Okay.

Dr. Mary Balliett  19:53  
Exactly. So what happens is, you need those B vitamins, not just in your Food, you need them as a supplement you want just 100% give you that nice buffer 100% of the B vitamins B, one, B, two B three energy. There's another B vitamin called pathogenic acid B five, you need that too. And then you need these really cool vitamins called V six v nine, folic acid, B 12. The methylator is they don't rhyme. But that's what helps you make more mitochondria. So it makes more milk orders, you need those, and you need those to lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. Now, I got

Kimberly Carozzi  20:33  
to tell women, by the way, that's why they told me, they talk about control by system disease, blah, blah, blah, okay, everybody knows that pregnant mothers need to take but now you know why it's growing a whole nother person, you're growing a whole nother person, you need mitochondria,

Dr. Mary Balliett  20:51  
right? You need them. And everybody wants to see everybody is doing cell repair, they may not be growing a whole nother individual, but everyone is doing cell repair, we are replacing the lining of our digestive tract and our respiratory tract and our skin every seven days. And if we want to have all that look great. We gotta give it the nutrition it needs. And we got to give it to him day in and day out. Because these are called water soluble vitamins. They only last a day. They don't last forever. You know, like, it's kinda like laundry? Wouldn't be great if you did it once. And you never did it again. Well, that's not how it goes. So that's why people have to get you got to do it every day. Yeah,

Kimberly Carozzi  21:36  
that's what we do every book chiropractic, we say that why do I have to come back? So how many times do you brush your teeth in your lifetime? Every day? Oh, well, your your bones are the same as your teeth. They're just in a different place. So don't be like that. Okay.

James Scofield  21:53  
So all those all those all those B vitamins that are helping the lining that you said of your stomach and intestines so that you can be absorbing what you need to absorb? And, and also then transferring that into the building blocks for these mitochondria.

Dr. Mary Balliett  22:07  
Yeah, exactly. Correct. Very great job.

Kimberly Carozzi  22:10  
Isn't he smart? Oh, and she's so cute. And captures we got to

James Scofield  22:17  
play this episode from my mom later so that she knows she got her dollars worth of school.

Dr. Mary Balliett  22:21  
Okay, exactly. You know, so now I have, I have my protein, which is gonna be my structure. And that's, you know, your bones, your muscle, your immune system, your ability to carry things around your body, that's all built on protein. And then my mitochondria are going to be the motors, it's going to support the B vitamins are going to support my motors, right. But that means now I gotta put fuel in my body, and the fuel on the carbohydrates and fats. Now, when we talk about carbohydrates, you know, everybody's like, Oh, carbs, this carbs app, but it's carbohydrates is just a chemical term for what plants make. So plants take water, and they take oxygen from the environment. And what they end up doing is they take carbon from the soil, and they actually make carbohydrates, the water of carbon, that's all they're doing. And anything a plant makes is a carbohydrate. Now when we think of when people are like, Oh, these bad carbs, they're talking about sugar. Right? But what I try to explain to people Yes, sugar is a carbohydrate because it grew from sugar cane, right? But I grew up very Catholic. So my favorite thing is not what would Jesus do but what would Jesus eats? And cheese? Okay, it's

Kimberly Carozzi  23:56  
concentrated a teaspoon of sugar on the table is concentrated into 1,000,000% No, I don't you're not gonna get fatty in strawberries. And I don't you're not going to have trouble with just with that. It's because we've distilled and over processed versus processed and traded our our sugars into a way that your bodies can handle. Yeah,

James Scofield  24:15  
now I don't want to go I don't want to take us off the rails. But isn't isn't sugar also considered on some levels of neurotoxin?

Dr. Mary Balliett  24:22  
Oh, that's actually a really interesting thing, because I'm interested that you bring up how does sugar work in the brain? What's interesting is I was trying to figure out how I was gonna talk about this but you have really given me you just eat up that bottle.

Kimberly Carozzi  24:38  
Listen, we're professionals and we're professionals on this podcast.

Dr. Mary Balliett  24:43  
And so what's interesting is if we've ever made cake and bread or cookies and cake at the same time, we understand that you need a lot of similar ingredients you know, you need your flour, you need your sugar you need your water, you need your Eggs, whatever right? Now what's interesting, since we're talking about stress is biochemically stress is adrenaline. And adrenaline intriguingly is just two steps away from a thing called dopamine. And dopamine is the place that you have the receptor for anything that makes you feel rewarded. And so dopamine receptors are the thing that causes addiction behavior. And so when your head, your stress, your dopamine that you naturally make goes down, because you're basically taking your flour and making a cake with it. Now you have no more flour, but it's the flour that made you feel rewarded, which is weird. And so now what happens is, you're gonna have one or

James Scofield  25:53  
you're gonna be, you start the craving of the food, you're gonna hunt

Kimberly Carozzi  25:57  
for that,

Dr. Mary Balliett  25:58  
you're going to have, literally addiction behavior. And the things that humans are addicted to intriguingly is alcohol and marijuana. That's number one. Number two is sugar. Because sugar elevant Sugar binds to your dopamine receptor. The third one is I'll call it euphemistically Romain, but it starts with that. And

Kimberly Carozzi  26:26  
good video that's replaced everything else on the planet for dopamine. Well, video

Dr. Mary Balliett  26:29  
games work also elevates the dopamine they do, you really do do the reward center. And Intriguingly, crying, reduces your stress and elevates your dopamine. And so this is why everybody thinks oh, I think I'm depressed. They're not actually depressed. What they are, if they're so stressed out, they're crying. That's all it is. Like, I call it the wide day 69 and cry about it.

Kimberly Carozzi  27:01  
There's a special marker we do on this podcast for adult content. Listen, if we're going to check that box, let's get real adult. Don't hold back now because I'm already checking the box.

Dr. Mary Balliett  27:11  
Okay, all right. Well, the thing is that if you're driven to those in an addiction way where you can't walk away from that, I can't walk away from you know, the TV, I can't walk away from that drink or that gummy, or I can't walk away from the sugar or I'm going to have a bad choice in a partner. And now I'm going to be crying. Then I just really have to say to myself, Oh my Lord, I'm just too stressed out. And the only real ways to reduce stress intriguingly is exercise prayer, meditation, and meeting.

Kimberly Carozzi  27:47  
Chiropractor getting your

Dr. Mary Balliett  27:48  
nutritional needs getting adjusted. Super great, because getting adjusted, is because the getting adjusted makes endorphins. Laughing makes endorphins. Exercise makes endorphins. And endorphins is the emotion joy. And so either you could be stressed or you could be joy fall. And that's what I every you know, that's why gratitude practices make such a difference for people under stress. You know, so being grateful listening to

Kimberly Carozzi  28:16  
podcast, listening, exactly, yes, that uplift you. Yes.

Dr. Mary Balliett  28:22  
And make you feel that you have control, you know, as they say, you know, I admit what I have control over. And all we really have control over is what we do with our body and what we put in our body absolute. And so what I say to my patients is, you know, we take such great care of our dogs and our horses. And I just say like, you need to think about your animal body like it's your most beloved pet. That's very make your dog stay up all night and watch bad TV. I don't think so. And would you take your dog for a walk? And would you feed your dog poison? I don't think so. And so why would you treat your body any differently than you would treat the most beloved dog and so when I get stressed out I say Oh sweetie Are you do you need a walk you

Kimberly Carozzi  29:28  
get you had to have somebody wants you

Dr. Mary Balliett  29:33  
know I'm just gonna give you the most fabulous dog tree. And that's really why I made it you know I made it in. You just rip it open you put it I literally put it in coffee and water and I don't even put it in the blender but you know, and

Kimberly Carozzi  29:52  
so she knows that you really tried. I drank

James Scofield  29:54  
the whole thing. It's it's gone. And it is it's incredibly easy. I was looking at the at the, the label for the ingredient level and what the comment I made to Dr. Carozzi was, What amazed me is when I look at this store bought stuff that you said, I was trying with my ninja shake in the morning thinking I was doing it, some of it goes, you know, the the daily recommended allowance and it's you know, 1000 of this percent, you know, 500 of this percent yours just clicks it all off at 100% of what you need. It's you're not overloading your body with it. It's perfectly balanced. Yes,

Dr. Mary Balliett  30:32  
exactly. Because again, when I put too much in there, now my liver has to say, Do I need it, I don't need my kidney, I'm gonna make everybody work harder. And that and we all know what that feels like to work hard, or that's not sounding good. And so now that's why sometimes the literature on you know, multivitamins doesn't come out that great because, you know, they're like, basically, if I want to have do I best off having a rifle. And so you got to determine, am I having an AK 47 vitamin? Or am I gonna be a clean shot and not ruined? To me? That's literally what I wanted to do. You know, I, I live in upstate New York, I love being in the country. I grew up in New York City. So I, you know, I totally get it. It's not that I don't love the city. But at the same time, I get that the further we are away from nature, the further we are away from treating ourselves like the beloved animal that we actually are, we have this part of us this sort of intellect, this spirituality that is getting inside of this most precious.

James Scofield  31:50  
I think one of the things that you mentioned, yeah, one of the things that you mentioned in your presentation, was this whole concept of balance and trying to achieve that balance with our food, with the meditation, the spiritual elements that you're talking about with the exercise. And also with this with our sleep habits, which you hadn't mentioned yet. But that's a big component in all this as well, allowing your body the rest that needs to repair itself. If every seven days, we're, we're totally turning that over.

Dr. Mary Balliett  32:19  
exactly correct. And so one of the things is 80% of adult Americans are magnesium deficient. And magnesium is what lets you calm your brain down. So you can sleep. And I put magnesium in the shake, because people do not get enough of it. And magnesium is high in anything that's green nuts and chocolate. But a lot of people are allergic to nuts. So that's why it's chocolate. I know some people want vanilla, but that's why I picked chocolate because it's very high magnesium. And, and people are reporting better sleep on this. Because we really are giving them the nutrition they need to do the physiological things that they need to do. And because you're smoking.

Kimberly Carozzi  33:02  
Yeah, and I wanted to before I forget, I wanted to make sure when you're done talking about the magnesium. The other thing that really struck me that, you know, we didn't hit yet, but I want to make sure we talked about is the combination of the ginger and the Tumeric when you're talking about, you know, ultimate, you know, optimal function. Yeah. So, the magnesium calms you so you can sleep, it stops the racing mind, how many times do you hear patients? You do? I do. And and Mr. Schofield is, you know, he can attest, when you have a lot going on in your life, you'll say, Gosh, I cannot calm down. And I can't stop my mind from racing, so that I can relax when I get into bed.

Dr. Mary Balliett  33:40  
That's a total sign of a magnesium deficiency, as it turns out, and it's really interesting. You know, we'd have a whole nother podcast on why we should be nice to our glutamine.

Kimberly Carozzi  33:52  
We have a podcast on every vitamin in your ingredient list. I just wanted to make sure that we said that you said something. Because the one thing that I found that make again, because I've been drinking protein shakes for 30 years or more. Yes, right, combining the ginger and the Tumeric is something that is just not done in the way that you do it. And I think that's one of the most important things about one of the most of the 10 important things about your brand versus anybody else's. The point is, is that ginger and Tumeric together, help two things, they help with inflammation, which everything in the world is inflammatory if it's processed, which is a lot of stuff, you know, unless you're you know, bulleting your but you're

James Scofield  34:37  
talking from from a chiropractic standpoint, when you treat a patient for stiffness, yes. For soreness, oh, a lot of that is brought about because of this aggravation and inflammations,

Kimberly Carozzi  34:49  
inflammation from food and inflammation from chemicals inflammation from you know stuff people put In their hair or on their skin, you know, there's a lot, there's a whole podcast on stuff. But then the other side of that use is terms of personal care product. Okay?

James Scofield  35:09  
And then the muscles, the muscles, that muscular element there of the tension that brought about because of the constant state of adrenaline, yes. And the fight or flight

Kimberly Carozzi  35:18  
fight and flight if you never Yeah, right. And so the combination of ginger and Tumeric helps the gut, and it helps the decrease and cool, the inflammation. And when you don't, you know, have that going on. You're not stiff, you're not sore, your joints don't feel achy, you don't feel 20 years older than you are. So in here. And here's the other thing, I'll just add, because she talked about this, and it's very important. One last thing I wanted to talk about with nutrition, and we'll get her back. I mean, you know, she can she can call in just to talk about this. But there was a description that was really good that we learned. And I learned from Dr. Bell yet that I always kept in practice and that I always used and it was about adrenaline, she mentioned it. Okay. Your body, it's really interesting, because there's an on switch, and there's an off switch for every mechanism, right? You start to move you stop moving. You open your eye, you close your eye, okay? Every every kind of process has a reaction and an opposite reaction. Equal and opposite action reaction, I, you know, you know what I meant? It's kind of

James Scofield  36:41  
a Newton's law. It's

Kimberly Carozzi  36:42  
a human bodies. Yeah, one of the lot, right. So your body can do one or two things. It can be very excited, or it can be very calm. And the amino acid that lets it be both is one of the same, right? It's tyrosine. A lot of my patients that are chronically stressed, or are so stressed to the point that they have fibromyalgia, which is a whole nother podcast, so we can talk about their tyrosine deficient tyrosine can do one of two things. It has a choice. It can become adrenaline, which makes you get up and go fight or flight, right, right move. Or it can be dopamine, which is Rest Digest, and also be held for the comfort be happy. Maybe she was talking about comfort foods, and dopamine hits and becoming addicted to sugar or other things, right? That stimulate the dopamine receptors, right? That's the rest of the digest. So what's the source? It's the same amino acid. It's tyrosine. And if you are deficient in tyrosine, because all you're doing is Go Go, go go go fighting and flighting. Guess what? You don't have any leftovers to make rest and digest.

James Scofield  38:06  
Your body just starts to cease up, the mechanism starts to malfunction. You're

Kimberly Carozzi  38:11  
like a computer that never gets rebooted. Okay? And you're gonna start to Fritz, right? Biologically, you're gonna fret, you're gonna frazzle. Okay, when you're going and going and going, and you're never rest. What happens? What are some symptoms? I just said it fight or flight? If you're fighting and fighting, what can you not do? You can't digest, you can't digest your food. What happens? You have you have indigestion.

James Scofield  38:40  
So you take and because and so you start taking the acids, and that's the start shutting everything down, as she was saying, and when

Kimberly Carozzi  38:47  
you can't, when you can't rest and digest. And you're and you're fighting and fighting, what are you doing? You're running, right? You're breathing heavy. What gets tired when you do that? Your heart. Your lungs are expending

James Scofield  39:00  
all that energy in a negative directions,

Kimberly Carozzi  39:04  
right? Your asthma. Okay? That's not the only factor but that's one of them. Okay, so when you have that happening, because you've got only so much tyrosine and it's going all to the high, high high and not to the rest, rest, rest. What happens? That is the biochemical definition, ladies and gentlemen of burnout.

James Scofield  39:27  
This is so cool, how it's come full circle. Not only that, you're working with one of your mentors, who was one of your instructors initially on in your Oh, she's, she's fabulous. I'm sorry that we were having connection problems there. But she's a busy lady, and she was calling in while on the road. So we'll definitely get her back. I found it fascinating the things that she was able to bring to the discussion today. And there's certainly a lot more we're just starting to scratch the surface of the idea of nutrition as a means of management of stress.

Kimberly Carozzi  39:59  
Yes. See her works, you want to try to get her You can call her back and try to call her back because I want her to talk a little bit about. Now I kind of, you know, synthesize the tyrosine talk, which is why you can supplement with tyrosine. And it's it's not that expensive. It's one of the most inexpensive things. Oh, we're calling what would you play? Hi, you have reached Dr. Mary, please leave me your name and your number and I'll call you back as soon as I can. She doesn't have the bars. So she doesn't tell him Please record your message. When you finished recording, you may hang up or press one for more options.

James Scofield  40:36  
We just want to say we just want to say thank you, Dr. MaryBelle. Yet for being on our show. Yes, we do for being on from burnout to belonging for managers, and bringing us all that great information. We're sorry, we lost you. We're gonna have to arrange a future podcast to bring you back on. It was a pleasure talking with you just an incredible wealth of information that you're bringing regarding nutrition, balance and how to avoid burnout and reach the ultimate in terms of physical functioning of the body.

Kimberly Carozzi  41:02  
That's right. Thank you for all your lessons and stay safe on the road doing them. Yeah, drive safely. Okay. And we'll talk again soon distracted, don't get distracted on the road.

James Scofield  41:12  
Take care was a pleasure speaking with you. Bye bye. Okay, well, we tried. We did We did our our due diligence there and we'll have her back because that was

Kimberly Carozzi  41:19  
you know, it potential power. is the name of her website, potential

James Scofield  41:24  
power People need to go there all one word, look at this information. I know I'm I'm not the best auditory learner. I'm a more visual learner. So go into that website. You can look at the product, she breaks it down gives you the background information on it.

Kimberly Carozzi  41:42  
And you'll report back. Yes, how you did? I personally, if I don't drink it every day, I'm stiff and sore. And what did she say? That means I'm what magnesium deficient. And it means that I need the B B vitamin. I need bees. But I also need the ginger and the tumeric. It takes away the inflammation, stiffness soreness.

James Scofield  42:02  
I just I was fascinated the seven day turnover. Oh yeah, I'm a new guy in seven days to

Kimberly Carozzi  42:08  
repaper their wall? Do you imagine having to redo the bathroom every seven days?

James Scofield  42:12  
I know. Well, and our body is doing that. And if we're not taking care of it. It's a messy bathroom.

Kimberly Carozzi  42:18  
Exactly. No, it's an addition. Because we she had a lot of shame.

James Scofield  42:22  
She did. She did. Maybe this this episode should be brought by or should be sponsored by herbal wreath, which was talking about that. But it's sad to think that people are suffering and not realizing the cause and

Kimberly Carozzi  42:35  
don't have to they don't have to I think the American public is cynical enough to know that the food supply is not as good as it could be. And that's saying that's being nice.

James Scofield  42:44  
I had a an exchange student from Norway, years ago. And I you know, he was in my English class, and I was talking with him about how it was I was, you know, he was acclimating to American culture. And he said, What amazes? Me is the ingredients on your food packages, because in Norway, they have a lot of government regulations regarding artificial dyes,

Kimberly Carozzi  43:08  
all of Europe. Yeah. And they're talking about taking out the red dyes and things. And I knew an exchange student, she'd come from Germany. And every time she would come, she'd gained 15 pounds. And then as soon as she'd get back to Germany, it would come right off. And she said, You know, I'm eating pastries I'm eating Yeah, I don't there's no, I'm not, I'm not eating less. And it's the inflammation. And it's the, you know, the gluten and the highly, highly, highly processed foods that were swelling her up. So if that's not a testament, I don't know what it is. It's true.

James Scofield  43:43  
Dr. Belia has a lot of a lot of insight to this. I'm fascinated how biochemistry and genetics can come together with chiropractic medicine, and provide us with this definition, nutrition and how it all it all comes into this concept of balance, which is where we started this whole conversation in the first place.

Kimberly Carozzi  44:02  
And when you're burnout, you're out of balance. And that's what we're here to help people with. So enjoy her. Look at her website. And if you want to write to us or her feel free, appreciate it.

James Scofield  44:16  
It's been a great podcast.

Kimberly Carozzi  44:17  
Yes. Did you enjoy yourself?

James Scofield  44:20  
I did. I enjoyed this shake it Did you like this? I mean to tell you

Kimberly Carozzi  44:23  
and it's not it's not flavored chocolate I'm trying to to it is organic cocoa on everything. And it is organic. It is vegan. And the protein source is plant based. And it's gluten free. So for people that have really sensitive stomachs that normally can't participate, let's see that's something for you.

James Scofield  44:44  
But that's what shows the care and concern. Yeah, the insight that she's bringing in its product edible. So it's not limited. It's it's the perfect food for people. It is perfect. That's fantastic. Every day

Kimberly Carozzi  44:57  
it's a meal replacement one more time the website his potential power and Dr. Mary Belle yet Dr. MaryBelle yet, DC, MS. All around nice gal. Yeah.

James Scofield  45:11  
And I'm sorry we lost her at the end, but we'll find her again lost it will be found. And you know what that means it's time for it is

Kimberly Carozzi  45:18  
my favorite part of our music

James Scofield  45:21  
for music. I've had a great time talking on this podcast and drinking my my shake. Yeah, it was. It was great. Thanks for sharing that. My pleasure. I'm your host James Schofield lemon in the office of Dr. Kim Carozzi. And this has been from burnout to belonging for managers special edition on nutrition. We'll see you next time. Bye bye

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